Stephen K. Amos

May 26, 2024 | Posted by Peter Jakobsen | THEATRE, THUMBNAIL REVIEWS | 0 Comments |

Oxymoron“, Arkaba Hotel Top Room, 23 May 2024

The Arkaba Top Room is perfect for stand-up comedy – sit where you like, and there’s a handy bar. TVC chose a high table where we could enjoy the contents of a bottle of wine, settle in, and enjoy the querulous but funny Stephen K. Amos.

Before the Show

With his show, Oxymoron, Amos is not revealing all new material, but who cares. His basic niceness allows him to get away with audience interactions – a young man named “Marcus” was awarded the unfortunate epithet “Mucus.” A lady in the front row regretted wolfing her potato crisps. Otherwise, we got a hefty serve of sneers about ‘Adelaaaaaayde’ and some experiences from his recent African sojourn in ‘I’m a Celebrity – Get Me Out of Here,’ which we have not seen but understand that, along arguably with the chap from ‘Malcolm in the Middle,’ Amos was the only celebrity.

We can’t remember any jokes, of course. You had to be there. That’s what is best, and bravest, in stand-up comedy.

“What’s with the carpet?”


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